Friday, September 13, 2013

Liebster Award!

While I was on a vacation, Take Me To Your Lacquer nominated me for the Liebster Award! Such a sweet girl!



"It is said that the Liebster Blog Award started in Germany (probably) and is used to highlight smaller, lesser known blogs. Blogs of less than 300 followers.

The Liebster is an award you accept with the intention of paying it forward.  When accepting, you chose 3-5 other blogs you feel are deserving of more subscribers and pass the award on to them.

You are not obligated to accept the award or to even pay it forward.  This is just a way to get the work out about new blogs your followers my not know."


Apparently, the terms and rules of this award have changed since it's mysterious beginnings and questions have been added to help us get to know our favorite bloggers better!! (Clever!)
The Questions I was asked:

1. Where did your blog name come from?     
Honestly, it just popped into my head one day and I ran with it!

2. Do you swatch your whole hand, both hands or just the four fingers of your non-dom hand?

I don't swatch :(
Strange I know, but it's just not my thing.  I like to paint my nails not spend all day removing what I just applied! lol

 3. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? I kid I kid, what is the dream for your blog? Any hopes for its future? 

Um, no, not really. I blog because I like to keep track of my successes and
failures and what colors work together. If I gather followers on my way then
AWESOME!, if I don't, that's ok too.

4. Do you display your polishes or are they tidied away?

They are tidied away, in (4) bins right now, but I have my eye on a roll-y
drawer thing with wheels!

5. Favourite film?

French Kiss!

6. What makes a good polish for you? Bottle shape, consistency, brush thickness, etc?

A polish that isn't glumppy.  I have not a care in the world what brand or what cost. 
choose by color alone.

7. What was your dream job as a kid?
Vet, then I realized I'd have to put things in their bum. lol     Definitely not for me!!!! 

8. Gifs in blogs, yay or nay?
What are Gifs? lol

9. What's the best thing that's happened to you because of your blog?

Nothing yet, but I'm open for the adventure!

10. Who shot first?
The gunman? lol I have no idea what this means!


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